Our Student Wellbeing

At St Joseph’s Primary School we prioritise the safety and happiness of our students and recognise that spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing are pre-requisites for learning.

We also recognise that successful learning experiences and academic progress are essential for our students’ wellbeing.

We support Student Wellbeing through:

Social Emotional Learning Program

Our school is undertaking Respectful Relationships which is part of our Social / Emotional Learning Program. This P-6 program sits well within the context of the Catholic tradition, Gospel values and our belief that each one of us has the ability to make a difference.

The program involves promoting respectful relationships through the topics of emotional literacy, personal strengths, positive coping, problem solving, stress management, help seeking, gender and identity, and positive gender relations.

Our program also compliments the strategies from the Berry Street Education Model which is utilised by our school.

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

SWPBS is an initiative through which we explicitly teach and support positive behaviours across the school. These behaviours demonstrate our guiding tenets;

We respect our school.

We do our best.

We help others succeed.


Student Wellbeing Support Groups meet regularly to address the needs of individual students, ensuring clear communication about each student and developing tailored strategies to enhance each student’s progress and development.

Student Leadership

Students from Prep to Year six are given the opportunity to develop leadership skills, a sense of responsibility and connection to school through the Student Representative Council. Students in Year Six are further encouraged to become; House Captains, School Captains or Social Justice Leaders for our school.


Our playground is designed to give our students opportunities for quiet interactions as well as more energetic games. Our playground features an adventure playground, ball play areas, a large sandpit, grassy areas for quiet play and three open-designed cubbies, including a calm cubby.

Buddy Program

Year Six students buddy with new Prep students and work together for a session each week , building relationships across the school and nurturing a sense of belonging and connectedness.


Our transition program in Term 4, allows all students to become familiar with their new learning areas for the next year.

We provide a comprehensive program for incoming Preps and their families, encouraging them to feel connected and welcome at St Joseph’s.

We also have an extensive transition program for Year Six students as they prepare for secondary school.


We have a structured referral process at St Joseph’s which enables us to access support services for our students. These services include, speech therapy, psychological therapy and specialized testing as required.